Thursday, July 9, 2009

luahan rasa

ku teringin mnulis blog...
huhuarini ,,dah bs li bsan j duk umah tp yg bsny pat tdo r,aku dhlah sk tdo
hehhe.....tim cuti n mek lsen ket
yela nk wat pe ag
.....first tyme bwak ket gigil beb,
tp ble dah bwak,,bs glr cam nk bwak jwe slalu

yg besnyer,pk cik driving 2 kasi aku bwak ari2 tim balek
pr mmag bes gsenyr
n yg pnting dye kte aku dh pndy bwak ket

aku mle wndu kat bdak2 li,,,,n kwn2 poli
kngan ngn drang yg bes r
.....aiza,ika crinnnnnnnnnnn dh lme x jmpe dyer,,,n wani
aku xtau nk ckp pe tp aku rse cedih rini,tp xtau nk explain cne r
tp mmg aku cdih....biaulah Allah je tau npe.....


  1. sabar yep caa

    ak salu ade ngan ko..

    ingt tu..

    kite xkn lost contact orkey!

    u in my heart.jgn nakal2

  2. Hype (^_^)

    Someone once told me, every song has an ending, but before it is end there is no reason not to enjoy to the music...same goes for the life..

    please don't give up... :-)
